Library is the treasure house of knowledge which pumps life to the sinews of academic world. Our college library is automated having internet facility and online public access catalogue. At present we have 21488 books costing Rs. 1991122.25. 11daily newspapers and 62 periodicals on different subjects are being subscribed spending more than Rs.60,000.00. Apart from overnight and weekly borrowing, 362 students have borrowed 1636 books under Book Bank Scheme this year. Our Alumni members and even outsiders also make use of our Library. We have 9 computers in the library with broad band internet facility, 7 computers exclusively for the staff and students. To make the library facility more user friendly to the members and to have the information of their choice, we have installed integrated multipurpose library management software "EASYLIB" and computerized the library resources. In order to enrich the resources of the library we have registered our college with INFLIBNET for Online full text access to e-journals and e-books under N-LIST programme. .For the benefit of the readers we have computerized printed catalogues of books apart from "OPAC". We have separate library for the P.G. students which holds 494 books worth of Rs 195390.00. 7 news papers and 11 journals are being subscribed for the P.G. Library spending more than Rs. 30000.00. I am happy to note that both the students and staff make ample use of the facilities of the library.
Our Services
- Reference
- Lending books and periodicals
- Book Bank
- Photo Copying and Printout facilities
- Paper Clippings
- Multimedia/Internet Access
- Online data base for e –books and e- journals
Our Publications
- Catalogue of Books
- Catalogue of Periodicals
- New Additions
Our library is functioning effectively since its inception in 1981. In 1983 Mr.Michael Pinto, B.Sc., M.Lib.Sc. was appointed as Full Time Librarian and attained superannuation on 31/07/2019. At present Mrs.Veenitha Rodrigues is the Chief librarian of the college. Mr. Denis R. Fernandes, B.Com and Mr. Ronald Carlo assisting the librarian for the excellent maintenance of the library.

College Librarian
Name : Mrs. Vineetha Rodrigues Qualification : MLISc, K-SET Department : Library Working Experience : 14 Years Mobile No.: 9901147217 Email:

Second Division Assistant cum Typist
Name : Denis R Fernandes Qualification : B.Com Department : Library Working Experience : 34 Yeras Mobile No.: 9945799131 Email:

Name : Ronald Carlo Qualification : S.S.L.C Department : Library Working Experience : 33 Years Mobile No.: 9901746165 Email: