About Us
Pompei College is a Religious and Linguistic Minority Institution founded in 1981 by Rev. Fr Bernard L. D’Souza in order to provide education primarily to the youth of this area. It also fulfills the aspirations of higher education of the locality adding to the cultural content of the society by imparting academic and value education to students of all castes and creeds without distinction. The Catholic Board of Education, Mangalore, manages the college. It is affiliated to the Mangalore University.

Our vision is to impart academic and value education to our students in order to form them into wholly integrated persons.

Our mission is to form our students intellectually, emotionally, physically, aesthetically and spiritually so that become responsible citizens of the world. When realized, the Vision and Mission of Pompei College would translate into the following visible and measurable goals and achievements
Our Goals
- Development of the latent talents of the students
- Preferential option for the poor and members of the minority community
- Fostering critical thinking, creative ability and intellectual excellence
- Building healthy relationship between the Staff, Students and Society
- Establishment of a just and peaceful social order
Our Objectives
- Bring forth competent and qualified graduates for suitable job - placements
- Help the slow learners and encourage the advanced – learners
- Impart Value Education to develop moral uprightness
- Promote gentlemanly and lady-like conduct and behavior
- Foster sensitivity towards the poor and the needy.
- Remedial coaching classes for the minority students.