Principal Speaks
Warm Greetings
Pompei College Aikala managed by the Catholic Board of Education ® Mangalore Diocese is at the service of the youth of the locality since 1981. Thanks to the relentless efforts made by Late Rev. Fr Bernard L. D’Souza, the founder whose vision and foresight of facilitating a brilliant career and a decent livelihood through higher education to the youth of the locality has yielded abundant fruit. Thousands have passed out and have made a flourishing career by the grace of God.
The quality education imparted at Pompei College is reflected in the grade that the College has attained in successive completion of its Assessments and Accreditations by NAAC. The college has been conferred with ‘A’ grade, CGPA 3.31 by NAAC in the third cycle of assessment. The College management takes keen interest in providing the facilities both for the staff and students. The Department of Higher Education and UGC support significantly to upgrade our infrastructure which in turn helps to impart quality education.

At present the College offers a Master’s Degree in Commerce (M.Com.), besides offering B.A and B.Com. programmes for the Under Graduation .Courses. A number of add-on and certificate courses in Computer Skills, Beautician Skills, Basic Accountancy, Spoken English, GST, Karate, Yoga and Coaching to Appear for Various Competitive Exams are offered to make them employable in a neo-global economic world order. Our faculty members actively involved in research activities.
Every department undertakes research projects involving students to develop research culture. Ample opportunities for integrated personality development are provided through the activities of various cells, clubs and associations. The Parent-Teacher and the Alumni Associations play a vital role in the institutional growth.
The college has instituted number of scholarships for the meritorious and deserving students. The Carrier Guidance Cell gives carrier orientation to inculcate the employability skill. Through the free Mid-day meal scheme which heavily depends on the generous contribution of the donors & well-wishers, the deserving students are provided with free meal.
Rev. Fr. Valerian Mendonca then principal and the Founder president of PTA Mr. Balakrishna sheety, Mundkur who took initiative in introducing the scheme. Here we would like to mention on record the contributors of Mr.Anil Shetty in the sustenance of the scheme.
Majority of our students hail from poor socio-economic background look for financial assistance to carry on their higher education. As the cost of education spirals the college finds it a challenging task to provide state of art facilities. Though it is challenging to provide the state of art facilities the College makes its best effort to provide students with quality education keeping in mind that education should not become mirage for the socially and economically deprived people.
I earnestly request all the stake holders of the college, especially the parents, the alumni, benefactors and well-wishers to support the cause of education.
Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. – Malcolm X.
Principal: Dr Purushothama K V, M.A, M.Phil.,PGDHE, NET, PhD